Heaton Park Road, Bradford BD9 5QA – View on map
Mon - Fri 4.30pm - 7pm , Sat 9am - 5pm, Sun 2pm - 7pm
Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 10am - 5pm
Technical Info
- 18 Metres, 4 lanes
- Depth 0.8m to 2.0m
- Temperature 29ºC
Please use the above postcode to access the pool via the rear entrance. Enter through both sets of green gates, and bear to your left. The pool is part of the main school building, please park by the tree in the middle of the car park. Please use the upper entranceway to access changing rooms and the pool./p>
Changing Rooms
Male & Female changing rooms are available with showers. Toilets are accessible
within the changing rooms. Please ensure children age 8+ use their own gender changing rooms.
Seating & Viewing
There is seating and a viewing gallery on poolside for families to watch & enjoy
the swimming lessons.
Key Information
If we can kindly ask that you either remove shoes or wear the Blue shoe covers
provided for poolside, to help maintain a clean pool environment. Food and Drink is prohibited within the pool hall. And due to child protection, we cannot allow photos or videos to be taken within the facilities.